Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Almost time to come home...

So I have two weeks left in India and I cannot believe it. The time has gone by so fast. I have to say I am really excited to see everyone and see where God takes me when I get back but at the same time my heart is definitely in India and I can't even imagine how much I'm going to miss these kids and all of the people here.

But anyways as for how things are going here... Really good! haha

Two weeks ago I started going to the school in Hanumanthapuram (sp?... I think that's right haha) and teaching English and math sometimes. I go three times a week, I mostly teach the 6th/7th standard classes but I've also done the 9th/10th a couple of times. It's been so much fun but really challenging. I am reminded many times how I am definitely NOT a teacher and since I never know who or what I'm teaching ahead of time I kind of just make it up as I go. But its been awesome and I really do enjoy it. One funny thing is there here everyone always asks four questions: What is your name? How old are you? What is your fr's name? and what is your mother's name? So everyone of the students as well as teachers knows my name, age and my parent's name haha.

Anyways other than that I've still been walking into the village each week which is awesome and the jewelry group is still coming. I love working with them even though talking is sparse since the language. I really am going to miss all of them.

The kids are all doing well and we now have a routine down as far as study time and school supply shopping (I usually go shopping like 3 times a week for things they need). So it's been really fun. Anyways I don't have much more to say than that and my time online is almost up so I have to go for now. :)